Models and Specs

Dimensions: 26″ long x 13″ wide x 15″ high
Uses Titanium Fleece Kit 8″
Middle Section: 11.25″ x 12.5″
Return Pump Section: 6″ x 12.5″
Total Water Volume: 20.4 gallons
Skimmer Water Level: 7″ to 9.5″ adjustable

Dimensions: 34″ long x 15″ wide x 15″ high
Uses Titanium Fleece Kit 10″
Middle Section: 16.75″ x 14.5″
Return Pump Section: 7″ x 14.5″
Total Water Volume: 31 gallons
Skimmer Water Level: 7″ to 9.5″ adjustable

Dimensions: 39″ long x 16″ wide x 15″ high
Uses Titanium Fleece Kit 10″
Middle Section: 20.75″ x 15.5″
Return Pump Section: 8″ x 15.5″
Total Water Volume: 40 gallons
Skimmer Water Level: 7″ to 9.5″ adjustable

Dimensions: 20″ long x 20″ wide x 15″ high
Uses Titanium Fleece Kit 8″
Skimmer Section: 9″ x 12.5″
Refugium Section: 5″ x 19.5″
Return Pump Section: 6.75″ x 12.5″
Total Water Volume: 24.3 gallons
Skimmer Water Level: 7″ to 9.5″ adjustable
Key Features
Built in LEDs
The Titanium sumps come with with build in LEDs to light up the sump with multiple color options including color changing patterns. There is a remote to configure the LED colors and patterns and you can use an app to do this as well. There is a holder in the front right of the sump to hold the LED remote which can be removed if not needed. The LEDs help to light up the sump and the surrounding area of the cabinet. A lot of people have installed door sensors that will turn the LEDs on when the doors are opened and then shut them off when the doors are closed. This is typically done using the aquarium controller.

Multiple Front End Options
Filter Socks
The sump comes standard with 4″ filter socks. The socks also have silencers that sit inside the socks. There is also a black filter pad that can be placed on top of the filter socks to help reduce noise further and also provide additional mechanical filtration.

Fleece Roller
The Titanium sumps can have a fleece roller added (sold separately). The fleece roller uses the new motor controller with optical sensors and a small screen to configure a bunch of features. The Titanium fleece kit comes with all the parts needed to convert the Titanium sump to use the fleece roller and also comes with 2 fleece rolls to get started.

Filter Tray
Also sold separately, a large drop in tray can be added for multiple filtration options, including bio/filter balls, bags for phosphate or carbon or stack multiple different sized mechanical filtration pads. There is also a black foam pad that is included to place at the bottom of the tray to get started.

Flush lids for every section
Every section has a flush mounted lid made of polycarbonate so they won’t bow over time. The lids help to reduce noise and also reduce evaporation.

Wire Holders
There are three wire holders that have multiple sizes to hold all of your wires to keep things nice and tidy. The three flush wire holders are placed under the motor controller, just before the return section and in the return section.

Configurable Fittings with Plates
Plumbing inputs and outputs are all installed with plates. For each of these areas there are blank plates also provided. This allows you to either drill these plates for other configurations or to fill the space when these are not used so the sump continues to look nice. These are located on the left side for the inputs from the tank, two in the middle of the sump and also on the right side for the return pumps. The two in the middle are typically used for the third drain from the tank for systems that have 3 drains and also for external equipment like a UV sterilizer.

Level Sensor Holder
In the back right of the sump there is a space allocated for holding a Neptune Liquid Level Sensor (LLS). If this feature is not used, then you can use the blank plate to fill the space and keep the sump looking nice without the sensor. Shown is the 4″ level sensor. The 15″ level sensor sticks out of the sump as it is taller than the height of the sump.

Additional Features
The PLATINUM series has all the bells and whistles. Below is a list of additional features. We will add more details soon.
1. Six 0.25″ tubing quick disconnects for dosing and ATO
2. Magnetic four position probe holder
3. Two magnetic heater holders
4. Center wall move-able and removable
5. Wire channels to hide wires
6. Adjustable water level with self adjusting top platform
7. Dual acrylic platforms with diamond cut out pattern
8. Vinyl water level markings
9. Sliding cross brace