Models and Specs

Dimensions: 34″ long x 15″ wide x 15″ high
Max height in fleece area: 22″ high
Fleece roll: 10″ wide x 150 feet long
Skimmer Section: 10″ x 14.5″
Refugium Section: 7.5″ x 14.5″
Return Pump Section: 6″ x 14.5″
Total Water Volume: 31 gallons
Skimmer Water Level: 7″ to 9.5″ adjustable
Drain Input Fitting: 1″ (x2) plus extra 1″ move-able fitting

Dimensions: 39″ long x 16″ wide x 15″ high
Max height in fleece area: 22″ high
Fleece roll: 10″ wide x 150 feet long
Skimmer Section: 12.5″ x 15.5″
Refugium Section: 10″ x 15.5″
Return Pump Section: 6″ x 15.5″
Total Water Volume: 40 gallons
Skimmer Water Level: 7″ to 9.5″ adjustable
Drain Input Fitting: 1″ (x2) plus extra 1″ move-able fitting
Key Features
Upgradeable to V2 Motor Controller
The Obsidian sumps are fully upgradeable to the second version of our motor controller which comes with optical sensors and a small screen to configure a bunch of features. The Obsidian upgrade kit comes with all the parts needed to convert the Obsidian sump to have an automated motorized controller that will turn the fleece using either the optical sensors detecting when to turn or using timer mode which will turn the motor occasionally.

Dosing Input Adapters
The Obsidian sumps come with 2 adapters for dosing inputs. The first adapter has 1/4″ holes to drop in the dosing tubes. The second adapter can be used with quick connect input fittings. Note that these fittings are not included with the sump. But the adapter is provided if you want to change from the 1/4″ hole adapter to the quick connect input fitting adapter.

Quick connect fittings not included

Additional Features
1. Cord holders to secure wires, cables and hoses (x2), one over probe holder, other in return area
2. Lid over fleece area to reduce noise
3. Four position countersunk probe holder with rubber mounts
4. Adjustable water level with self adjusting top platform
5. Dual media platforms before return area, foam filter included
6. Laser engraved water level markings
7. Additional 1″ input fitting that can be placed along top brace in two areas: skimmer section or return section