Interchangeable plates (Patent Pending)
Laser etched lid to prevent splashing and reduce noise
Adjustable water level
Self adjusting foam block platform (Patent Pending)
Dual platforms
Laser engraved water level indicator
Three position probe holder
0.25″ hose holder for dosing and ATO inputs
Protein skimmer section
Refugium section
Emerald green coloring to block light and prevent unwanted algae growth in other sections
The EMERALD34 has 4 main sections. Water enters the sump into a dedicated section where the water will then flow over into Section 1. Section 1 is the configurable interchangeable plate area allowing for filter sock and/or foam block mechanical filtration. This area is covered with a lid to prevent water splashing and reduce noise. Water then flows out the bottom of Section 1 into Section 2.
Section 2 is typically where the protein skimmer is located. Water then flows through the ‘Trigger Symbol’ cutout into Section 3.
Section 3 is the refugium section. The water then flows over the adjustable water level baffle through 2 perforated platforms and under the last baffle into Section 3. The top perforated platform comes with a foam block filter and the bottom one is open to use for several different filtration methods (bag of carbon, bio balls, bio media, rubble rock, etc.).
Section 4 is the return section where the return pump will sit, pumping water back to the display tank.
Key Features
1. Interchangeable plates
2. Lid to prevent splashing and reduce noise
3. Three position probe holder
4. 0.25″ hose inputs for dosing and ATO
5. Adjustable water level with self adjusting top platform
6. Dual platforms
7. Laser engraved water level indicator
8. Full top support brace to prevent bowing
Interchangeable Plates
The EMERALD34 comes with the following accessories for Section 1:
Filter Sock Plate
4″ Filter Socks (100 micron rating)
Foam Block Distribution Plate
Filter Foam Block